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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Hello Raptor Families!

The Creekview Ranch PTA (CRPTA) would like to extend a warm welcome back to school!  We hope you had a great summer and are ready for another exciting and successful school year.  It is important, now more than ever, to stay connected and support our students.  We encourage returning families and welcome new families to help grow our PTA and build an even stronger community.  Please visit our newly updated website, and  "Like" the Creekview Ranch PTA Facebook and Twitter page so you can stay connected!


PTA Membership

This year, we will not be sending home the traditional PTA membership packets with your students.  In an effort to keep up with current circumstances, we have created a contact-free website that will allow you to complete your membership to join PTA.  

If you are interested in joining as a member, please visit:


Keep in mind that our membership dues are used to help fund school projects and programs associated with your child's education.  Membership forms are also available to print from on our website along with the option to pay your membership fee via PayPal.  


Our PTA Meetings allow all attendees the opportunity to listen and provide feedback on the latest topics being discussed throughout Creekview Ranch.  Please join us anytime!  As a PTA member you are not required to attend our meetings.  We highly encourage your participation if you are available.  We would love to get to know you and receive your input.  


Please click on our PTA Save the Date and Membership Forms below.


We wish you and your family good health and best wishes for a great school year. 



Creekview Ranch PTA  


PTA Membership Form.pdf (PDF)

PTA Save the Date 22-23.pdf (PDF)


Please email for any questions.